Grijze muis
Door: Gerard Laernoes

Uitgegeven op 13-11-2010 om 11:37

Grijze muis

Op 9 september 2008 schreef ik het College van Burgemeester en Wethouders van Wieringen de volgende brief:

Onderwerp: bevlogenheid

Geacht College,

Middels een advertentie in de Wieringer Courant van eind juni in dit jaar deed u een oproep om te solliciteren naar de functie van ambtenaar der burgerlijke stand. Van de beoogde functionaris werd enthousiasme verwacht. Terstond heb ik per mail gereageerd en gemeld dat er niet verder gezocht hoefde te worden: die enthousiaste ambtenaar haalt u met mij in huis.
Als bijlage stuurde ik twee toespraken mee die ik onlangs heb gehouden.

Op 25 augustus vond een sollicitatiegesprek plaats. Dat duurde niet heel lang omdat de sollicitatiecommissie al overtuigd zei te zijn van mijn capaciteiten als redenaar.
Over een aantal andere zaken hebben we wel gesproken. De functie van ambtenaar vind ik zo eervol dat ik me daar volledig voor wil inzetten. Zo ben ik elk moment van de week beschikbaar, ben gaarne bereid een cursus te volgen, wil graag op bezoek bij aanstaande bruidsparen om een toespraak op maat te kunnen houden, zal zeker het bruidspaar in het middelpunt van de belangstelling plaatsen en wil ik op elke gewenste plek een huwelijk sluiten. Bij dat laatste voegde ik nog toe dat ik zelfs met stok of rolstoel de hindernis van de loopplank van de Ms. Jomar wilde nemen als dat gevraagd zou worden. Met zoveel woorden heb ik het niet gezegd, maar dit houdt vanzelfsprekend tevens in dat ik ook een duikboot of hefschroefvliegtuig niet uit de weg ga. Met het bekende ‘u hoort nog van ons’ werd afscheid genomen.

Dat horen werd vrijdag 5 september. Uw ambtenaar meldde dat de keus niet op mij was gevallen omdat het mij aan bevlogenheid zou ontbreken. Dat u voor een ander kiest is uw goed recht. Teleurgesteld ben ik in het argument.
Liever had ik gehoord dat mijn kennis van de Engelse taal onvoldoende is om een eventueel huwelijk in die taal te voltrekken. Of dat er hoge kosten zijn verbonden aan het inkorten van een toga gezien mijn bescheiden lengte. Of dat u geen risico wil lopen dat de ambtenaar te laat ter gelegenheid verschijnt gezien zijn trage tempo. Alles had ik goed gevonden, maar het argument van de bevlogenheid begrijp ik niet.
Wellicht wilt u zo vriendelijk zijn dit nader toe te lichten.

In afwachting van uw reactie,


G.M.A. Laernoes
Koningstraat 31
1777 AA Hippolytushoef

Vier weken later kreeg ik antwoord van B. en W.
Ze schrijven het volgende:

Geachte heer Laernoes,

Naar aanleiding van uw sollicitatie naar de functie van ambtenaar burgerlijke stand en in reactie op uw brief van 9 september jl. delen wij u het volgende mede.
In onze vergadering van 2 september jl. hebben wij besloten een drietal ambtenaren burgerlijke stand te benoemen.
In de weging tussen de kandidaten waarmee gesprekken zijn gevoerd, zijn wij tot de conclusie gekomen dat u in de presentatie/uitstraling achterbleef bij de overige kandidaten.
De keus is hiermee niet op u gevallen.
Wij benadrukken overigens dat de door u in uw brief geschetste alternatieve afwijzingsgronden geen rol hebben gespeeld bij onze afweging

burgemeester en wethouders van Wieringen,

Secretaris, Burgemeester,
Drs. J. Wittink M.J.P. van Kampen-Nouwen

Mooie duidelijke brief..
Bevlogenheid is vervangen door uitstraling. Kniesoor die daarover valt.
‘Ha,ha! Ik heb altijd al gedacht dat je een grijze muis was,’ was de reactie van Ineke op de brief. ‘En nu zegt de gemeente het ook al.’
Het is dus waar, ik ben een grijze muis.

Deze brief schreeuwt om een reactie, aldus Ineke.
Ik denk dat ik het maar niet doe. Zo bevlogen ben ik nu ook weer niet. Laten we het op een bevlieging houden.Je bent een grijze muis of niet.

Gerard Laernoes
Oktober 2008

Als bijlage nog een toespraak die ik nooit zal houden.

Geacht bruidspaar,

Heel hartelijk welkom op deze prachtige locatie op de mooiste dag van uw leven!
Vandaag bekijkt u samen met mij alles door een roze bril. U hebt ervoor gekozen om in het huwelijksbootje te stappen en uw verdere leven met elkaar te willen delen.
Dat het vandaag de mooiste dag van uw leven is betekent dat het morgen al minder leuk is.
Hoeveel kan uw relatie aan? Het belooft weinig goeds dat deze plechtigheid een half uur later dan gepland kon beginnen omdat het kapsel van de bruid in de war raakte tijdens een fotosessie op de haven. En dat was nog maar windkracht drie. Ik vrees voor uw samengaan zware tijden als de wind echt gaat opsteken. En ik verzeker u dat dat zal gaan gebeuren.
Zojuist voorspelde ik u al dat het morgen minder leuk is. Maar haalt u samen morgen nog wel.
Het is nog niet zo lang geleden voorgevallen dat een huwelijk nog geen dag stand hield.
De bruidegom had er tamelijk veel moeite mee dat zijn verse bruid lag te wippen met de slagwerker van het feestorkest. Ze kon de huwelijksnacht niet afwachten. Die drummer had een goed ritme, maar het trouwfeest was eerder afgelopen dan gedacht.
Een ander gevaar waar ik u op wil wijzen is internet. Maar liefst twee goede bekenden van mij zitten nu alleen thuis omdat hun echtgenoot of echtgenote chatverslaafd waren.
De verleiding van het nieuwe en onbekende was teveel voor ze geworden. Met een klein koffertje, slechts gevuld met tandenborstel en verschoninkje lieten zij de oude wereld achter zich, alle trouwbeloftes vergetend.
Maar deze kennissen hebben het in ieder geval er nog levend afgebracht. Hoe vaak staan er niet berichten in de krant over vergiftigingen van echtelieden, of een welgemikte worp van het balkon. Acties die het gevolg zijn van jarenlang treiteren en mishandelen.

Ja, bruidspaar, vandaag ziet alles er nog feestelijk en vrolijk uit en ik wil ook zeker uw vreugde niet bederven, noch uw enthousiasme temperen. Ik wens u beiden uit de grond van mijn hart het allerbeste toe en hoop van harte dat u samen een lang en gelukkig leven hebt.
Maar hoe groot is die kans? Laten we toch vooral reëel zijn. Het heeft geen enkele zin de zaken rooskleuriger voor te stellen dan ze zijn. Het leven is soms een lolletje, maar meestal niet. Nu ziet u beiden er nog jeugdig en sprankelend uit, maar probeert u zich eens voor te stellen hoe uw levensgezel er over een jaar of vijftig uitziet. Grijs, kaal, vet, buikje of buik, gerimpeld of verschrompeld, in een rolstoel of een booster. Een bolle broek vanwege de
Tena Lady. En nog meer gelijkend op de schoonmoeder dan nu het geval is. Dat laatste geldt uiteraard alleen voor de bruid.

En wat kan zich voor die tijd nog allemaal voor leed voordoen. Kinderen om maar wat te noemen. Als die al niet crimineel zijn hebben ze vast wel een stoornis als ADHD, waardoor het elke dag pas een feest is als ze in bed liggen. De ouders gaan er vaak meteen daarna in, afgepeigerd en op. Maar laat ik vandaag niet al te somber zijn: kinderen zijn een zegen en soms loopt het goed af. Maar niet altijd dus. Alvast een aanvraag indienen voor hulp bij de Jeugdzorg kan geen kwaad gezien de lange wachtlijsten. Dit is een gratis advies.

Maar het wordt nu tijd voor iets literairs. Er zijn veel gedichten die gaan over het huwelijk.
Ik noem Vondels huwelijksgedicht: Waar werd oprechter trouw dan tussen man en vrouw ter wereld ooit gevonden? Lyrisch, poëtisch, episch, het kan niet op, prachtig!
Maar hoe dicht staat dit bij de realiteit?!

Komt Willem Elsschot niet stuk dichterbij met zijn huwelijksvers: Het huwelijk? De vraag stellen is haar beantwoorden. Het liefst zou de hoofdpersoon zijn vrouw vermoorden. Hij laat het slechts achterwege omdat wetten in de weg staan en praktische bezwaren.
Mogelijk nog dichterbij komt dit vers van een tijdgenoot.
Ik ben getrouwd met Treurigheid,
woon samen met Verdriet,
krijg vaak bezoek van Eenzaamheid,
maar helpen doet dit niet.
Ik gun u natuurlijk het allerbeste, lief bruidspaar, vele avonden met goede gesprekken bij de open haard met een goed glas wijn. Met een liefdevol slot vol goede seks.
Maar een domper ligt meer voor de hand. Zoals duidelijk moge worden uit andere poëzieregels van dezelfde dichter:
Ik was dronken toen ik je ontmoette, ik was dronken toen ik je verloor,
er kan nog heel wat gebeuren tussen twee dronkenschappen door.

Maar vandaag is het vooral een heuglijke dag. Maakt u zich vooral geen zorgen voor de dag van morgen, want iedere dag heeft genoeg aan zijn eigen kwaad. (Mattheüs 6:34)
Het is vandaag een dag met vreugde en pret waarop de wijn rijkelijk zal vloeien.

Ik zal nu overgaan tot het officiële gedeelte, het voorlezen van de akte.
Indien u nog steeds in het huwelijk wilt treden beantwoordt u de vragen met ‘ja’.
Als dat het geval is mag de bruidegom met de bruid doen wat hem goeddunkt.
U bent echter vrij de gestelde vragen met ‘nee’ te beantwoorden. Ik geef u daarin geen advies. U mag zelf beslissen of u de strop om wilt doen. Wie een kuil graaft zal erin vallen.
(Prediker 10:8). Bedenk vooral dat wat God samenvoegt de mens niet zal scheiden.
Ik wens u veel wijsheid bij uw besluit.

Heden zijn voor mij, Gerardus Mattheüs Adolf Laernoes, ambtenaar der Burgerlijk Stand in de gemeente Wieringen, verschenen: …………………………………….


Groot niet-ambtenaar der BS te Wieringen,
Natuurlijk heeft ons geliefde gemeentebestuur je niet verheven tot ambtenaar der burgerlijke stand. Reden: je virtuoos taalgebruik. Geen enkel bruidspaar die het snapt. Elk van de door jou ingezegende huwelijken houdt al na korte tijd geen stand gezien de blijvende staat van verwarring waarin zij verkeren na jouw rede. Al snel zou het geheime eiland ontvolkt raken. Alle potentiële huwelijkskandidaten slaan voor je op de vlucht. Wieringen zou Wieringen niet meer zijn (met als hoogst haalbare taalniveau: 'zůpen en angaan' o.i.d.). Op Wieringers is van alles van toepassing behalve gevoel voor taal en alles wat daar bij hoort. Kortom vier uitbundig je niet ambtenaar der
Hartelijke groet,

Wat moet je een bevlogen mens zijn om ambtenaar van de burgerlijke stand te willen worden als thuis je eigen Ineke grinnikend bevestigt dat je een grijze muis bent.
Om al die frustratie van zich af te schrijven schreef de afgewezen candidaat een bevlogen toespraak waaruit blijkt hoe zeer hij van alle markten thuis is door verwijzing naar de Schrift,de litteratuur,de harde werkelijkheid juist van het huwelijksleven en het risico van kinderen. Zie toch,B..en W.,hoe juist deze candidaat voor elck wat wils had kunnen bieden.
Helaas,hij is het niet geworden. Zijn bevlogenheid zal verder zijn bedding moeten vinden in het verschijnen van stukjes,die nu of later of wellicht in de komende wereld uitgegeven zullen worden.
Moge het zo zijn.

Geachte confrere,
Mocht je om referenties verlegen zitten: mijn adres heb je!
Het is dat ik al getrouwd ben, maar anders was er maar een ambtenaar door wie ik mij in de echt wilde laten verbinden... zeg ze dat daar maar hyplotyshoef , of hoe het daar ook heet!
Zet 'm op
grtz mjo

…Verder gezien dat je bevlogenheid mist. Althans volgens degenen waar jij domicilie hebt. Volgens mij zien die lui die dit soort zaken moeten beoordelen ze vliegen. Bevlogenheid? Zouden ze de betekenis van dit woord wel kennen? …

Dit is misschien wel de mooiste van alle. Veel Dorresteijn en Weemoedt geluiden!
Prachtige toespraak zou ik het gevonden bij mijn eigen huwelijk op 6 juni 1974. Inderdaad D - van Decision – Day. Mijn vader en ik keken elkaar ook aan toen er gesproken werd van uit huis gaan, onder moeders vleugels vandaan (terwijl we al twee jaar samenwoonden) gaan en niet meer ten laste van de ouders zijn (ik kreeg nog wel studiebijlage via mijn ouders).
Meer clichés kon ik eigenlijk niet aan maar ik was toen iets minder adulte terrible.
Zo’n ambtenaar is eigenlijk hard nodig in deze wereld van Memien Holbomen.
De afwijzing is daarvan een goed voorbeeld, de ambtenarij ten top.

Gaat voort.

. Je toegezonden stukjes waren een leuke afwisseling in sombere tijden. Volgens mij zou je uitermate geschikt zijn om bruidsparen het huwelijk in te prediken, maar gevoel voor humor bij de gemeente zal niet overmatig aanwezig zijn, of helemaal niet.

Rien en Thea

Er zit een rat in het college,

Dag Gerard,
Dank voor toezending.
Misschien zijn we uiteindelijk allemaal wel “grijze muizen” !!
Ik ben wel benieuwd naar uitgave “hopeloze zaken”
Han Wonder
(ambtenaar burgerzaken bij de gemeente Wieringen)

De laatste twee reacties zijn opmerkelijk. Als je die combineert wordt het mij duidelijk.

Reacties (962)
@2010-11-13 13:39:14
 Over grijze muizen gesproken. Ruim 30 jaar terug hadden wij na veel wikken en wegen met de ambtenaar afgesproken - 18 september - te trouwen. Wat schetst mijn verbazing na het lezen van de Wieringer Courant OPEN DAG maarja, er waren nog 5 weken te gaan. 14 dagen voor het huwelijk belde ambetenaar R. doodleuk of we het niet konden verzetten. Daar ging zijn vrije dag. Maar wij konden/wilden het niet meer verzetten.
Nou U raadt het wel, het werdt een korte
voltrekking en van de Wieringer Ganzebitter mochten wij ook niet genieten.
Dus Gerard jammer dat jij dit niet mocht worden. Jij zou dit niet doen zoals je bij trieste gebeurtenissen ook niet doet (crematorium)
Kees 1
@2010-11-13 16:04:24
 Prachtig verhaal! Ik herken de waarheid.
gijs visser
@2010-11-14 06:44:20
 Beste beoogd trouwambtenaar

twee jaar geleden heeft het het gemeentebestuur niet behaagd je aan te stellen als trouwambtenaar.
damals heb ik al gereageerd.
wie het toen is geworden is mij onbekend, maar beter zal hij of zij zeker niet zijn.
overigens denk ik dat de bloemlezing van niet te houden toespraken geen aanleiding zal zijn om nu alsnog een aanstelling te krijgen. zoals je weet is het gevoel voor humor bij velen slecht ontwikkeld en zeker bij autoritaire autoriteiten.
groet van een niet-spreker
@2010-11-14 17:39:18
 Ik heb erg genoten van dit stukje.
@2010-11-17 17:57:03
 zou je zo als babs gehad willen hebben! super!
@2010-11-23 00:32:22
 Ik heb een Bab, maar jij zou idd. een beste babs zijn.
@2010-11-27 11:26:58
 Volgende kans op de functie van trouwambtenaar, gewoon weer solliciteren!
Grappig stukje
Jan van Dijk
@2010-12-10 06:22:20
 Mijnheer Laernoes, wat kunt u hetgeen u voelt en ziet mooi met gevleugelde taal verwoorden. Als u ambtenaar van de burgerlijke stand worden, zou ik de klok weer gaan luiden.
In het Westerlander kerkje wel te verstaan.

Een vriendelijke groet,

Jan van Dijk
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The implant, a 0.79 inch metal screw, was drilled into the 57-year-old’s upper jawbone about two years ago. It was supposed to be capped with a crown and made to look like a tooth. But instead, it decided to slip up past her jaw and into her sinus.
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The Goldman analysts met with senior executives from Citigroup, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley and Lazard to find out what’s going on in their apparently stagnant capital markets businesses. The executives’ tone was “universally lackluster,” according to the analysts, who predict that investment banking and trading revenues will once again drop about 20 percent this quarter, as they did in the year-ago period. More pain is expected ahead as new derivatives trading rules, higher capital requirements and the long-awaited Volcker rule are implemented.
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Vanguard funds, like its $142 billion Vanguard 500 IndexFund, opposed all four after supporting them in 2012.A spokesman for Hewlett-Packard declined to comment onVanguard's voting. A spokesman for Occidental could not be immediately reached.
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Detroit revamped its lineup before its Game 4 win -- dropping Austin Jackson from the leadoff spot to eighth and moving almost everyone else up a place. The Tigers went with that same general framework Thursday, but it was Boston manager John Farrell's adjustments that paid off.
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phenergan uten resept “After I got off the phone with her I was sitting on our living room couch next to my husband and I said, ‘You know what, it’s time for me to do the same thing,’” said Ritchie.
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"The testimony is a venue to explain the Fed board'sthinking, rather than Bernanke's own ideas," said Minori Uchida,chief currency analyst at the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ. "SoI would expect his remarks to be a bit more hawkish than lastweek."
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A letter sent by the Department for Education (DfE) to the companies and seen by BBC News said the Prime Minister is planning to make an announcement on child safety internet issues in the near future.
harga obat hydroxyurea Delaney's bill seems to assume that political dynamics prohibit raising the gas tax or otherwise raising fresh dollars for infrastructure projects. If the co-sponsor count is any indication, he is probably right: the bill's off-budget, business-friendly and investment-directed nature has pulled together support from 23 Republicans and 22 Democrats.
@2016-09-07 09:54:15
 Very Good Site ist vardenafil rezeptfrei The National Rifle Association, a frequent player inVirginia politics, has contributed nearly $500,000 to finance TVand Internet advertising opposing McAuliffe, who wants universalbackground checks for gun sales.
allopurinol hund preis The portly cueist Stephen Lee will, it seems, soon be compelled to do that of which Ronnie can only speak. Mr Lee is expected to be forcedly retired next Tuesday after being convicted by an inquiry of taking money, via his wife’s bank accounts, in betting scams.
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 US dollars prescricao xenical Apple boosted the S&P 500 and Nasdaq after Societe Generalelifted its price target on the stock to $575 from $500 andadvised clients to buy shares. The stock rose 2.4 percent to$521.30 and was the largest winner on the Nasdaq, adding 7.5points to the index.
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 Just over two years warum ist voltaren emulgel rezeptpflichtig It will be very hard for a CIA officer to pretend to be a scientist or a researcher or anyone else in the future. The solution may be, ironically, that they need to accept from the get-go that their identity is known to the enemy, and they've got to go back to other elements of tradecraft to elude surveillance, or find ways of spying in plain sight.
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Still, history shows when leagues and broadcast entities are in financial partnerships worth multibillions, the networks usually are reluctant to do anything, at least anything they can control, to upset their partner. So why did ESPN flip A-Rod in the face of Major League Baseball?
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 What sort of work do you do? nizoral shampoo gnstig kaufen The transport minister Simon Burns caused controversy earlier this year over his use of an Ă‚ÂŁ80,000-a-year chauffeur-driven government car to commute daily between his Essex home and Westminster, claiming he used it only because he was barred from working on his red box of official ministerial papers on the train for security reasons.
acheter ginseng plante She sang solos and also did duets and comedy skits with Lawrence, a rising young singer who had joined the show a year earlier. When the program became NBC's "Tonight Show" in 1954, the young couple went with it.
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 An accountancy practice comprar differin gel en espaa "There will be no big change in overall policy, although thegovernment will also try to stabilise short-term growth in itsefforts to restructure the economy," Haibin Zhu, chief Chinaeconomist at JPMorgan Chase in Hong Kong.
diamox 500 cena Sometimes the approach helps to make sure regulators refrainfrom regulation that is impossible to implement. A recent rulecrafted by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission for foreignexchange trades, for example, would have required prime brokersto give certain disclosures to their clients before a tradehappened. Regulators, however, did not realize that primebrokers do not have that information because the trade isactually executed through separate electronic brokers. At the11th hour, the CFTC revised its rule to relieve prime brokersfrom the obligation, but not without first causing fearsthroughout currency markets. The CFTC declined to comment.
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While civil violence inside the country has killed upwards of 100,000 people, millions fleeing the fighting have lost their homes and means to survive. Over 2 million have poured into neighboring countries as refugees; as many as 7 million, meanwhile, are internally displaced.
ordre angelique film "Separating early changes in Alzheimer's from age-related memory decline in the clinic still presents a challenge, but understanding more about the mechanisms of each process will drive progress in this area."
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precio rhinocort 64 The unrest began last year in the western state of Rakhine — home to Sittwe — where Buddhists accuse the Rohingya Muslim community of illegally entering the country and encroaching on their land. The violence then spread on a smaller, but still deadly scale to other parts of Myanmar, leaving more than 250 people dead — most of them Muslims — and sending another 140,000 fleeing their homes.
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 Would you like a receipt? resep paracetamol sirup The unidentified patient was taken to surgery following the Monday night shooting described by Philadelphia-area prosecutors as “extremely unusual.” She was in stable condition Tuesday at Crozer-Chester Medical Center in Upland — the same place where she was a patient.
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The free-wheeling Los Angeles Clippers offense of recent years was actually quite productive - they pushed the ball, outscoring opponents in a variety of creative ways. Last year's team displayed mediocre rebounding and outside shooting, but they managed a 56-win season with an athletic lineup that utilized its raw talent and skill to simply overpower less athletically gifted opponents.
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That’s what Rousseff did at a time her popularity has plummeted in the wake of protests. A shocked minister for mining and energy scolded her saying, “You don’t just have to worry about yourself but also 200 million Brazilians.”
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The World Health Organization sees Australia's campaign,which has so far defeated the tobacco industry's legalchallenges, as heralding a "brave new world of tobacco control".Other countries are lining up to follow Australia.
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“In England it is not common and the first club people told me I was not going to go with them but I told them that my children were going to come with me, like it or not,” he told Uruguayan newspaper El Pais. “They understood in the end and it was a nice moment, a unique moment for me. They [family] make me think hard and calm me. Nowadays I think a lot of them when I’m on the field.
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The military has been heavily criticised in local media for its handling of the rescue operation. Some have suggested soldiers may have delayed ending the siege to give themselves time to loot shops. The military has strenuously denied this.
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l-tryptophan 500 mg 100 stck preisvergleich The Little Ice Age has been abundantly depicted in contemporary accounts of advancing mountain glaciers that destroyed villages and paintings of ice-skating on frozen Dutch canals or on London’s River Thames, but the date of its actual onset was uncertain. Chilling of the Northern Hemisphere was pronounced: cold summers, incessant rains, floods, and resulting poor harvests, according to medieval records.
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Her fealty to the extraordinary policy tactics the Fed employed in an effort to beat back the 2007-2009 recession and spur faster job growth concerns some Republican who fear the measures will unleash inflation or fuel asset bubbles.
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The railroad initially blamed the catastrophe on the failure of the train's pneumatic airbrakes after an engine fire, but the company acknowledged on Wednesday that the train's engineer did not apply an adequate number of handbrakes to hold the train in place, and failed to comply with regulations.
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Imagine that – accepting that the law is the law, no matter how much one might not like it. Did Christie go on TV and accuse his opponents of being socialists or evil or even some kind of social engineers? No. Did he threaten to send all state workers home and withhold their paychecks until he got his way? No. Did he stomp his feet and demand that the court meet him half-way by allowing only hospital visits and joint checking accounts, instead of marriage, to same-sex couples? Of course not.
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 Enter your PIN alma pirata benicio y allegra hacen el amor 'Unless there's anything else, I'm going forward with remanding at this time,' Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel said during the brief hearing. Lohan stood and put her tan arms behind her back. She was cuffed by two officers who escorted her to an unmarked car that drove her to the slammer. Here, Lohan's July 20, 2010 booking photo.
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prix de la crme eurax With Republicans holding a 33-seat advantage in the House,Democrats need to persuade around 20 Republicans to join them tokill the bill. Conversely, Republicans need a party-line vote toprevail. They did that on July 11 roll call to single out foodstamps for cuts.
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"The worry was that the (strains) not included in the vaccine may actually take over and that didn't happen, so this was good news," Dr. Paul Goepfert, director of the Vaccine Research Clinic at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, told Reuters Health by phone. He was not involved in the new study.
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"What Charles and I have decided is that the Islanders colors as they are today will be the same when they get here, the name will be the same," Yormark said. "My job is to work with Charles and make sure that we stay true to the hardcore fan, the fan that has been there from day one. But at the same time, we also want to connect with the new fan and we're going to do it in an appropriate way."
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Sir Martin Sorrell, chief executive of the advertising giantWPP Plc, has labelled a proposed merger between rivalsPublicis Groupe SA and Omnicom Group Inc as"brave and surprising", and suggested the deal still facessignificant barriers.
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The series will likely air before candidates start jumping into the next U.S. presidential race in the spring or summer of 2015, Greenblatt said, responding to a question about whether the network would face demands for equal time from opponents.
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bactrim cijena "Pimco knew the policy that the Fed was attempting to achieve, and it could readily stock up on those types of securities," says Anthony Sanders, professor of real-estate finance at George Mason University. "Buying for the Fed in the volumes that the Fed was buying would almost certainly result in price increases in the specific MBS. So why wouldn't Pimco build a quick portfolio of these securities and take advantage of valuation increases or cash returns?"
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precio del voltaren pomada And then there are the indignities inflicted on new lawyers, known as associates. The odds are increasingly long that a recent law-school grad will find a job. Five years ago, during a recession, American law schools produced 43,600 graduates and 75 percent had positions as lawyers within nine months. Last year, the numbers were 46,500 and 64 percent. In addition to the emotional toll unemployment exacts, it is often financially ruinous. The average law student graduates $100,000 in debt.
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 Insert your card harga cataflam di apotik Bearing solid liberal Democratic credentials, Squadron has also shown the independence to break with orthodoxy in favor of common sense. He did so in fighting to expand access to charter schools statewide, a position that placed him at odds with the United Federation of Teachers.
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Ideally, NASA wants a commercial launch company to take overone or more of the massive steel platforms, which wereoriginally built in 1967 to support the Apollo moon program'sSaturn rockets. The 25-foot (7.6-meter) tall platforms werelater modified for the space shuttles, which flew from 1981until 2011.
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Portman secured a verbal commitment from Cordray to testifyin front of the Senate Appropriations Committee, even though thepanel has no jurisdiction over CFPB, according to the senator’sspokesman, Jeffrey Sadosky. Portman also said he obtained acommitment to have CFPB rules subjected to a cost-benefitanalysis.
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acquista rogaine YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK, Calif. (AP) — Crews working to corral the massive wildfire searing the edge of Yosemite National Park made major gains on the blaze overnight and were anticipating additional advances on Monday with the help of cooler temperatures and higher humidity, officials said.
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yasminelle prezzo Fitch rating agency said on Tuesday that Italian mid-sized banks are likely to have to raise more equity to offset capital pressure because of a deep recession and rising bad debts. The Bank of Italy has already extended inspections of bad loans at 20 of the country's banks.
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The ordinary objects paint an extraordinary picture of the city in the 1700s and 1800s -- a community of Dutch and English settlers who hadn't yet spread north into what is today's Manhattan. The budding metropolis and its water-borne trade was still expanding into the East River and harbor with landfills for wharves using whatever was available, including some newly found artifacts that had become garbage.
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prix micardis 40 In Brazil, which wields the most influence in Latin America, former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva lent support to the Iranian government and also backed Venezuela's late president Hugo Chavez, who spoke out against U.S.-style capitalism and formed alliances with Russia, China and Iran. The new president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, appears more moderate. Biden visited Brazil in May, saying stronger trade ties and closer cooperation in education, science and other fields should usher in a new era of U.S.-Brazil relations.
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The Republicans have always said we have too much government. So why are the saying they want to negotiate to put the government back in business? Keep is shut down! Then we can see how life is with the lack of government that Republicans want.
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He said he expected Beijing to drop its much criticised one-child policy in the near future and expressed hope of an end to the forced abortions and sterilisations he said were inflicted on many Chinese women.
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She has not returned to Pakistan since she was attacked, andsays she misses it. She mostly listened to Western music backhome in her village, particularly that by Justin Bieber, but nowis listening to more Pashto and Urdu music to remind her ofhome.
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 I don't know what I want to do after university desconto singulair merck After a well-known warlord escaped from prison in Katanga, the Democratic Republic of Congo's most stable province has been terrorised for the last year by a group demanding independence for the mineral-rich region, writes the BBC's Maud Jullien.
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Operating expenses were up 23% in the latest quarter. Its operating income was $79 million, compared with the company's April prediction of results ranging from a profit of $10 million to a loss of $340 million.
acai berry in der apotheke kaufen The Johnsons have been working with a program funded through the Affordable Care Act called Health Help Mississippi that helps families negotiate the red tape of applying for Medicaid in Mississippi, a process intentionally made more daunting by former Governor Haley Barbour, who famously charged that some individuals on the state's Medicaid rolls were driving BMWs.
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aciclovir 200 ohne rezept “I think this is a politician who makes up stories to contrive an image of something he’s not,” Lonegan said in the interview. “He’s convinced people in Hollywood that he’s turned Newark around. Newark is a mess. Newark is far off worse now than it was under (former Newark mayor) Sharpe James.”
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Therefore, whilst consumers may not generally have been aware of any specific speed which defined "superfast" on fixed line, the watchdog considered they would understand "superfast" to relate to fibre-optic outperforming standard ADSL and would expect it to have an industry defined minimum speed.
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"I wouldn't be surprised if he is not ready by Saturday of next week," Cashman said. "I think he'll be surprised if he isn't ready by Saturday of next week. We'll see. It is a Grade 1 and this stuff takes time and there is a progression to it. It is really hard to handicap."
acyclovir krem cena The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Kerry made clear that the U.S. government shutdown, now in its ninth day, and friction over the U.S. budget "is a moment in Washington politics and reaffirmed the President's commitment to resolving the issue."
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A Pentagon contract to send the same aircraft to Afghanistan was snagged last year in courts by American rival Beechcraft. The deal became campaign fodder in the U.S. presidential race and faces the threat of Congress axing the program next year.
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preis diclofenac salbe “They had some workouts today individually and we’ll see how they feel (Tuesday). If our medical staff gives the OK, there’s a chance they probably can scrimmage some,” Woodson said, adding that Stoudemire told him he was feeling “pretty good” Monday. “He looks good. I’m not overextending myself. But the short time that he’s done some of the shell work, which was the other day, was pretty good. It’s different half court and running up and down and banging and moving. We’ve got to get him to that stage.”
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A lulu of a provision from the Transport Workers Union contract, brought to light by the Daily News’ Pete Donohue, shows the hidebound nature of its work rules — along with the TWU’s fixation on defending even the most absurd.
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Steve Connor is the Science Editor of The Independent. He has won many awards for his journalism, including five-times winner of the prestigious British science writers’ award; the David Perlman Award of the American Geophysical Union; twice commended as specialist journalist of the year in the UK Press Awards; UK health journalist of the year and a special merit award of the European School of Oncology for his investigative journalism. He has a degree in zoology from the University of Oxford and has a special interest in genetics and medical science, human evolution and origins, climate change and the environment.
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"He grabbed his favorite bass (guitar) and a couple of items and he got out, and as he was driving up the street he could see the flames coming into a little gorge behind us and then the next thing the houses were all going up one by one."
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So are his teammates. The Giants can’t afford to be down a top cornerback with the likes of Demaryius Thomas, Wes Welker, Eric Decker and emerging tight end Julius Thomas to keep tabs on. Having a healthy Amukamara allows the Giants to breathe a little more easily.
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Iraq's minority Sunnis have been protesting for months against the Shiite-led government, alleging they receive second-class treatment. Sunni militant groups have tried to tap into that anger by linking their cause to that of the demonstrators.
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Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, is working with senators in both parties on a budget framework that includes a six-month stopgap funding bill through March and a debt ceiling increase through January. The extensions would give Congress breathing room to reach a broader budget agreement.
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Cruz wants that procedural vote to fail, because – if the final government funding bill subsequently passed, Democrats would simply strip out the part of the legislation that deals with Obamacare, kicking the clean bill back to the House. 
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aspirine du rhone a croquer prix A 58-year-old Maryland woman breaks her ankle, develops a blood clot and, unable to find a doctor to monitor her blood-thinning drug, winds up in an emergency room 30 times in six months. A 55-year-old Mississippi man with severe hypertension and kidney disease is repeatedly hospitalized for worsening heart and kidney failure; doctors don't know that his utilities have been disconnected, leaving him without air conditioning or a refrigerator in the sweltering summer heat. A 42-year-old morbidly obese woman with severe cardiovascular problems and bipolar disorder spends more than 300 days in a Michigan hospital and nursing home because she can't afford a special bed or arrange services that would enable her to live at home.
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I’m guessing some imam declared pipelines and/or oil revenue un-Islamic. They can blow themselves and their countries into a giant sand field for all I care…. This is what happens when you let your islamists and terrorists fester for 1400 years – they turn on you like rabid dogs.
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However, the study doesn’t provide a complete picture of the recession’s effect on mental health, since it included only the 54 countries for which statistics were available, said JosĂ© Tapia, a public health researcher at the University of Michigan who wasn’t involved in the study. What’s more, the study analyzed suicide rates only from 2000 through 2009, so the results may not reflect current trends.
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"My hope is that people will read Juror B37's book, written with her attorney husband, and understand the commitment it takes to serve and be sequestered on a jury in a highly publicized murder trial and how important, despite one's personal viewpoints, it is to follow the letter of the law," Sharlene Martin wrote.
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India represents a fifth of the world's under-5 deaths and is considered unlikely to hit its UN Millennium Development Goal — while the story is very different in Bangladesh, as GlobalPost's AMY YEE reports.
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The timing of this “pop” couldn’t have been worse for Johnson, who had been dealing with plantar fasciitis since February and “it just kept getting worse after the All-Star break,” he said.
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New York City claimed Exxon went ahead and used the chemical in the 1980s through the first half of the 2000s despite warnings from its own scientists and engineers that it could be harmful in areas that relied on groundwater for drinking.
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The yield on Spain's six-month bill rose to 0.958 percentin the auction, compared with 0.821 percent in the last auctionin mid-June. Yields were 1.503 percent on the 12-month bill,more than the 1.395 percent last time.
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The Jackson Hole conference, hosted annually in late August by the Kansas City Fed in the remote splendor of Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, has become a top event in the central banking calendar, drawing policymakers from around the world.
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"Providing a propaganda platform for Mr Snowden runs counter to the Russian government's previous declarations of Russia's neutrality," said White House spokesman Jay Carney on Friday.
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While many U.S. restaurant chains and retailers do not allow firearms on their properties, Starbucks' policy had been to default to local gun laws, including "open carry" regulations in many U.S. states that allow people to bring guns into stores.
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The Spaniard will rise to three in the world rankings when they are issued on Monday while Raonic will move into the top 10 for the first time after becoming the first Canadian man in more than half a century to reach the Rogers Cup final.
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 How long have you lived here? rules for writing research paper Hints of a change in tactics could be seen earlier this year in Mogadishu. In April, al-Shabab attacked the country's Supreme Court, using a suicide bombing to breach the perimeter before unleashing gunmen inside. In June, they attacked a U.N. compound, using explosives to blow up the main gate. Gunmen rushed inside, slaughtering around a dozen people.
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The president has a responsibility to the people and to their elected representatives to abide by the constitutional restraints placed on his office. We have this system of checks and balances in place so that no branch of government would ever be powerful enough to do as it pleased arbitrarily against the rule of law or will of the people as expressed by Congress.
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year 5 essay writing The crash in Birmingham scattered cargo throughout the field where the plane landed. UPS spokesman Mike Mangeot said in an email that the company was reaching out to customers who had packages on the flight to address claims. He said the company was providing round-the-clock support to the families of the two crew members.
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Conservative MPs have also raised concerns, senior backbencher John Redwood suggesting that "good lobbyists" are vital to democratic debate and representing his constituents properly requires him to be their "chief lobbyist".
@2016-09-11 14:08:57
 Other amount color of water essays The software maker said it would buy back up to $40 billionof its shares and raise its quarterly dividend by 22 percent.The new share repurchase program, which has no expiration date,replaces a $40 billion buyback program that was set to expire onSept. 30.
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More than 1,000 people were killed in Iraq in July, the highest monthly death toll in five years, according to the United Nations. The U.N. described the increase as particularly troubling because the numbers had begun declining five years ago following a series of U.S.-led offensives and a Sunni revolt against al-Qaeda in Iraq.
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essay about othello We have been drawing maps – in their most rudimentary forms, simple sketches to show, say, the location of a pass through a mountain chain – for thousands of years. The first were probably no more than scratchings in the dust with a stick but the oldest extant diagrammatic representation, found in 1963, dates back to 6100-6300BC. Painted on the walls of a cave in Anatolia, it is an early form of town plan, depicting a volcano and about 80 buildings.
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 What sort of music do you like? teaching narrative essay Goodman was referring to criticism that the current health care law will drive employers to push workers into part-time status, due to a provision that requires some employers to offer coverage to workers logging 30 hours or more per week. The White House denies this, with a top economic adviser arguing recently that there is "no systematic evidence that the Affordable Care Act is having an adverse impact on job growth or the number of hours employees are working." 
thesis paper weight The deal underscores the spectacular rise of Supercell,which was founded in 2010. Its hit games "Clash of Clans" and"Hay Day" reached No. 1 in Apple's App Store in 137 and 96countries, respectively, SoftBank said, citing app analyticsfirm AppAnnie.
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According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are approximately 7,113,749,767 people on the planet, with another million arriving about every five days. The United Nations estimates that the world population at the end of the century will be around 11 billion, and many fear that the planet's natural resources are insufficient to accommodate such growth.
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Washington, D.C., reclaimed from New York the title of thetightest U.S. market, with a vacancy rate of 9.6 percent withNew York closely trailing at 9.7 percent. (Reporting by Ilaina Jonas; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)
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For Cade, the storm and its devastation continue to loom. "He's very weather aware. He's kind of obsessed with it now," said his mother, Kendra, 38, who has a home daycare business. "If it's raining … he doesn't want to go outside," said Jeff, 41, a transition coordinator for a neighboring school district's special education department. "He doesn't sleep well on nights of storms."
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The set-up is typical of swathes of U.S. companies usingIreland to cut their tax bill. A Reuters analysis of Irish andU.S. filings shows that more than 40 percent of the S&P 500 haveregistered subsidiaries in the country.
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Photojournalist Linda Solomon visits homeless children in 12 cities a year. She teaches them how to take photos during a short workshop, then turns them loose to put the lesson to a test. On Tuesday, all 14 boys and girls at Sheffield Place, a transition home for women and their children in Kansas City, received cameras through a program called Pictures of Hope and got to use them.
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These Dodgers can put away Atlanta Monday night in Game 4 when they send Ricky Nolasco to the mound against former Yankee Freddy Garcia. Even if the Braves win, they'll have to face Clayton Kershaw, the best pitcher on the planet, in Game 5.
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The report said while the Office for National Statistics (ONS), which uses the research to draw up its migration estimates, has â€Âdone its best’ to produce informative statistics, the survey â€Âis not fit for the purposes to which it is put’ and ministers must find new ways to gather information.
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On Thursday, Secretary of State John Kerry said it would be "diplomatic malpractice" not to test Iran's sincerity on whether it is wiling to negotiate a deal that will make sure it cannot produce nuclear weapons.
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@2016-09-11 17:04:00
 I can't get a dialling tone theme of revenge in hamlet essay The main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party, led by former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia, has criticized the tribunal, saying it is intended to weaken the opposition. Jamaat-e-Islami is the main political ally of Zia's party.
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financial management accounting 503 final assignment Beijing is also pushing land reforms that would allow farmers to sell land when they leave villages. Currently, they cannot sell their land freely and often get a fraction of the market value as compensation from local governments. Many do not leave their farms for fear of land grabs by local governments for development.
ny times photo essay SIR – A couple of years ago, I said to a friend who was for many years a senior politician and now sits in the House of Lords, that a solution for the impoverished NHS was to charge ÂŁ1 each time a person visited the doctor’s surgery. The surgery could keep the money for flowers in the waiting room or for a box of chocolates as a thank-you for the over-worked nurse.
@2016-09-11 17:04:01
 I'm training to be an engineer write essay my favourite t.v show While there may be questions about Flores’ defense — he made an error and had one other shaky throw — Terry Collins seemed eager to see Flores take on major-league pitching. This is a guy who was batting .321 at Triple-A Las Vegas and leading the Pacific Coast League with 86 RBI.
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@2016-09-11 17:04:01
 I'm on work experience quotations in essay The head of a U.N. chemical weapons investigation team, Ake Sellstrom, and about 10 experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the World Health Organization will travel to Syria, Nesirky said.
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@2016-09-11 17:04:01
 I can't hear you very well a special person essay One former senior minister said it was madness for Rudd not to have sought advice from the head of his department first on the likely reaction of the mandarins. Some in the Rudd camp claim most of the research work on the ''black hole'' was done by CHQ.
essay of college life FRANKFURT (MNI) - Germany's labour market improved for the second straightmonth in July, beating expectations and confirming a slight rebound over thesummer months, the Federal Labour Office reported Wednesday.
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There are always agonizing decisions. We could have burned the house down. There was a version where the house gets burned down. We flowcharted that. What would Walt do? What would it mean about Skyler? Should Walter Jr. know? And so on. We thought a lot about the nature of Jesse’s collaboration with Hank. How much would be true collaboration, how much would be coercion on Hank’s part? At this point when we have so little real estate left, it’s kind of like being in the red zone in a football game. Once you make a decision on something, you really have to stick to it. You can’t finesse it into something else given the amount of time we have left. I think we felt the weight of all our decisions.
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In some respects, the seniors have become family members to one another. For Carol Kerbel, 72, that's literally the case. After moving here from New Mexico with her husband, Kent, 72, Carol convinced her sister to relocate to Heron Point from New Mexico as well. "We have a greater sense of community in a CCRC than we have anyplace else in our life," Kent says.
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 What do you want to do when you've finished? essay contest for adults “All this talk about equipment, it’s complete garbage,” he protests. “He could play with a set of hockey sticks and a banana. Really. Have we seen this boy play at all, when he plays well? He’s close to impossible to beat. He just appears to have two speeds. Full ahead and full stop.”
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parts of an essay quiz Financial markets have been flying almost blind since the government halted the publication of most economic data on October 1, leaving investors to rely largely on private sector surveys to gauge the impact of the federal shutdown and bitter debate between lawmakers on raising the U.S. debt limit.
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 Could you ask him to call me? research paper on water management Negotiators from over 190 countries gathered at the United Nations' International Civil Aviation Organization's triennial assembly in Montreal went over details from a proposal to curb greenhouse emissions from the aviation industry as agreed by ICAO's 36-member governing council earlier this month.
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Multilateral institutions, particularly the IMF, have responded by pumping an unfathomable amount of financing into Europe. But, instead of reversing the disorderly deleveraging and encouraging new private investments, this official financing has merely shifted liabilities from the private sector to the public sector. Moreover, many emerging-market countries have noted that the policy conditionality attached to the tens of billions of dollars that have been shipped to Europe pales in comparison with what was imposed on them in the 1990’s and early 2000’s.
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While it pales in comparison to today’s computers, the bare-bones machine works. It runs a basic operating system and can freely switch between two programs — one that counts in a loop and another that sorts numbers.
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The health executive,, has now told hospitals to ensure that a member of their senior management team is responsible for hygiene. This staff member must report on how the hospital is performing according to hygiene standards and where deficits are identified, how these will be dealt with, by the end of this year.
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But why do you completely disregard the strengths and applicable scenarios presented by Rob and the Soylent team? While the main goal of Soylent is to bring in money (who am I to argue?), it really does offer a new direction to a large humanitarian issue, or namely, the logistics of world hunger. It isn’t an encompassing solution, but it sure as heck has the potential for other companies to expand, correct?
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 Three years essays by gore vidal Lilliana has been in the custody of the state of Nevada. Martin's father, Martin Cisneras Rosales, 33, was described as having "violent tendencies." The siblings had last been seen on Wednesday, Elko police said in a statement.
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 Where are you from? wildlife conservation in india essay But he’s not alone. Mister is forced to play big brother to 11-year-old Pete (spunky Ethan Dizon), a Korean-American neighbor and also one of the forgotten offspring in their housing project. During a hot New York summer, they team up to scrounge food, watch TV and set up ketchup bottles in the hallway for a hamster in a rolling ball to knock down. Occasionally Mister innocently flirts with an older girl he knew at school, Alice (Jordin Sparks).
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 What sort of music do you like? essay on good health adds life to years There is the other Instagram picture of Miley crouched in front of a huge pink teddy bear. She has hold of its sides and she is aiming for that teddy chin with her tongue at the ready. It appears to be a repeat of the doll in the pool, but in this instance the teddy bear is a bit more lively. The poor thing has its arms raised in possible horror.
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essay writing national integration WASHINGTON, Oct 16 (Reuters) - The U.S. economy was sailingsmoothly, if not swiftly, before parts of the government shutdown this month, according to a snapshot from the FederalReserve on Wednesday that provided the fullest view of therecovery since federal data dried up.
help with ptcas essay A Quinnipiac Poll yesterday found that Weiner’s support among Democratic primary voters has fallen to a low of 10 percent. Weiner resigned from Congress in 2011 after admitting that he sent lewd photos and messages to women online. During the campaign for mayor, he admitted he kept sexting as long as a year after he left congress, erasing his position as a frontrunner.
@2016-09-11 20:31:24
 Another year thesis for finance students "The Nexus Q was part of our effort to do the same thing. We didn't launch that, but a lot of learnings," Pichai told Reuters after the event. "Nexus Q was all about how you send content, so that was an inspiration for this."
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5 paragraph essay outline ABOUT MISSOURI (5-0, 1-0 SEC): The Tigers, new to the SEC as of 2012, are making their first trip to Georgia after getting blown out 41-20 at home by the Bulldogs last season. The 2013 squad already matched last season’s win total and owns four rushers, including quarterback James Franklin, with at least 278 yards and an average of 5.2 yards per carry or better. Missouri rushed for 245 yards in the 51-28 win over Vanderbilt last week while Franklin passed for 278 yards and a season-high four touchdowns.
essay writing blogs This is a great opportunity to blow the arms and legs off of 37,500 US troops, killing 4,500 and wounding 33,000 more, just like our glorious victory in Iraq that saved the world from non-existent WMDs that are always difficult to find. We can spend trillions of dollars that we don’t have and become indentured servants of the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China for the next century. We can assure the triumph of al Qaeda in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan to give all Israelis free physical workouts as they dodge missiles raining down on them from those three countries. The Sunni Arab countries on the Persian Gulf can afford to buy all of the munitions needed to continue the bombardment until Israel disappears from the face of the earth. We can continue to send Americans into the Middle East until all Americans are dead because to die in war is to live eternal glory.
@2016-09-11 20:31:24
 Your cash is being counted what does synthesise mean Pensioners in wealthier parts of the country will receive thousands more in state pension than those in poorer areas due to a widening gap in life expectancy and the rise in state pension age, according to a report.
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photo essay of the great depression The Mets’ Hall of Fame committee consists of Horwitz, former pitcher and longtime instructor Al Jackson, broadcasters Gary Cohen and Howie Rose, and writer Marty Noble. According to people briefed on the discussions, the committee was mindful of Piazza’s failure to gain election into the Baseball Hall of Fame last January.
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 Could you tell me the number for ? urban essay "Doctors (in Germany) said it may take three weeks for him to recover and we thought he would have seven weeks of training," O'Connell said. "But it has been longer. That's why we have decided to make the announcement."
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Yum! Brands Inc slumped 7.7 percent to $66.85 asboth the worst performer and biggest drag on the S&P 500 afterthe KFC parent warned it will take longer than expected forrestaurant sales to rebound in China, which accounts for morethan half the company's overall operating profit.
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Many, such as the famed short-seller Jim Chanos, were also big clients of Morgan Stanley's prime brokerage and stock trading businesses, and expressed their displeasure by taking their money elsewhere.
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 How many weeks' holiday a year are there? essay on aim of my life to become a engineer Starlet Amanda Seyfried has been tapped to play legendary porn star Linda Lovelace in the upcoming film, 'Lovelace.' But don't be fooled by her sultry on-screen portrayal - Amanda Seyfried is a good girl at heart. The actress told the March issue of Glamour that she is actually 'terrified of being promiscuous.'
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After buying Entergy-Koch for almost $1 billion in 2004, Merrill Lynch leapt into the bigleagues in the U.S. power market, and has maintained that position. It was the top-ranked U.S.power dealer in 2012, according to Energy Risk magazine's annual survey.
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The government, which is hoping the arrests of senior Golden Dawn members will help it subdue a party seemingly untouched by accusations of violence and intimidation, praised the justice system for "doing its job".
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The Yanks will send the Cubs Single-A Tampa starter Corey Black, he was among the prospects Chicago could choose from in the trade, which had to be approved by MLB because of the amount of money changing hands.
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But Poloz made clear any change would be incremental. Hesaid he prefers the Canadian model to the one employed by theU.S. Federal Reserve, which has confused markets with oftencontradictory policymakers' views on the best strategy forrolling back from the massive bond-buying program.
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And so they wanted to know in Baltimore on Wednesday if Jeter, as great a Yankee as he has been, now thinks about the end of his career, coming at him with different questions asking him the same thing.
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Commentators believe that it is becoming increasingly common for wealthy individuals with vested interests in fossil fuels to fund climate-change scepticism anonymously through labyrinthine financial arrangements.
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But on Wednesday, the European Parliament's environmentcommittee failed to give the go-ahead for EU negotiators tobegin work on a legal text to implement the cap, making itunlikely anything can be agreed before 2015.
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Yes, they helped in the housing bubble. But just helped, as did AIG, Credit Ratings, Mortgage Brokers, Relators, and most especially Wall Street. I do remember well watching Barney Frank on C-Span stating that they (Fannie and Freddie) should change their scoring to provide more loans. Also G. W. Bush; same thing. Then I knew it wouldn’t work when Alan Greenspan stated something to the effect of “The financial industry should create new instruments to facilitate…”. They sure did. Fannie and Freddie worked fairly well until political and financial greed just couldn’t keep their hands off. No matter what new system they come up with to replace them, it will eventually happen again unless we have major systemic changes to the political and financial worlds.
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China will seek “stable and healthy” development of the property market, the government said on its website after a meeting led by President Xi Jinping last month. The government may release a “long-term mechanism” for stable and healthy development in about three months, the official Xinhua News Agency reported on Aug. 15, citing Zhu Zhongyi, the deputy head of the China Real Estate Industry Association.
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In a confidential document given to the 15 council members and obtained by Reuters on Tuesday, Amos outlined 30 potential "measures that could be taken to address current humanitarian challenges in Syria and neighboring countries," and which could be the basis for a U.N. resolution.
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The clock is ticking, and it is more than ironic that after years and months of dragging out proceedings and delaying a final ruling, Scheindlin is now scrambling to put steel in concrete and stand up an NYPD monitoring bureaucracy that’s even more meddlesome than first imagined.
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GE shares are poised to outperform the broad stock market,after lagging behind for more than a decade, as its businessoutgrows the economies where it operates, financial newspaperBarron's said on Sunday.
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President Barack Obama, who is expected to announce his nomination for the job within a few weeks, has said that both Summers and current Fed Vice Chair Janet Yellen are excellent candidates to replace Fed chief Ben Bernanke whose term expires in January.
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Although a last-minute temporary solution including apossible 10-day extension of government funding had been raisedon Friday, there were no signs Democrats and Republicans couldreach a deal before the Oct. 1 deadline.
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He was a great admirer of the late Baroness Thatcher, calling her "a great woman, the most influential since Catherine the Great". I wonder if he might ever consider following in the footsteps of Ronald Reagan and Schwarzenegger by taking up political office? “Oh, I think I am better as a fella on the sidelines,” he shrugs. “I think there are others much better equipped for office.”
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Ibragim Todashev, who trained as a mixed martial arts fighter, was an acquaintance of Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev and worked out at the same gym used by Tsarnaev in Boston before moving to Florida, according to attorney Eric Ludin.
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The next week at Veterans Stadium, the Giants were embarrassed, 20-7, by the Eagles, the one soft touch in their early schedule. Arnsparger punched a hole through a blackboard and was still in plain sight when reporters came into the locker room, a sign of frustrations to come.
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Other than Kerley, who had an impressive breakout season, the Jets trotted out one of the worst receiving corps in recent memory after Holmes suffered a season-ending Lisfranc injury on Sept. 30. The unit may not be much better this year, especially with Holmes unlikely to be 100 percent by the season opener on Sept. 8 and years removed from looking like the budding superstar that he was with the Steelers. Rookie Stephen Hill had a two-touchdown NFL debut against the Bills but didn't look ready for the big time during an otherwise tepid rookie season. He suffered a season-ending knee injury in December and still had a case of the dropsies during OTAs. The Jets hope Edwards has something left after he was signed July 25. Gates and White will have opportunities to emerge, but Gates missed time in OTAs with a hamstring injury and White missed two seasons due to injury in college. Obomanu will likely fill the mediocre veteran role filled last season by Chaz Schilens.
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“The flu viruses in a flu shot are inactivated (killed) which means they cannot cause infection.  Flu vaccine manufacturers kill the viruses used in the vaccine during the process of making the vaccine, and batches of flu vaccine are tested to make sure they are safe,” wrote Altman.
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It’s also true that it’s not just the Tories who like to keep such outings secret. Tony Blair, when Prime Minister, would take his family to the theatre, but certainly on one occasion asked the National Theatre not to publicise his visit – not a request he ever made about film premieres or sporting fixtures. Perhaps the answer is for our big institutions, the National Theatre, Royal Opera House, Tate, RSC etc to invite the PM to season-openers and other landmark shows, and make those invitations public. It might be an offer he can’t refuse.
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